
How to use Bitbucket in VS Code

This post is about how to use Bitbucket in VS Code. The topics covered are:

1. How to create a Bitbucket repository; and
2. How to clone a Bitbucket repository in VS Code.

Create a Bitbucket Repository

1. Sign in to your Bitbucket account;

2. Click on the account abbreviation icon on the bottom left, then click on "View profile";

3. Click on "Create your first repo";

4. Enter the name of the repository, select access level and whether to include README and version control method, then click on "Create repository";

5. A new repository is now created;

Note that the URL of the repository is "https://wei48221@bitbucket.org/wei48221/test_190701.git".

Clone Bitbucket Repository in VS Code

1. In VS Code, press Ctrl + Shift + P then enter Git Clone;

2. Copy and paste the URL of the repository then press "Enter" to confirm;

3. When prompted, select the local storage location for keeping the cloned repository. In my case, it's under "G:\vscode";

Click the "Select Repository Location" button when done.

4. A message box will appear to indicate that the cloning is in progress.

At the same time, you will be prompted to enter the login info. for your Bitbucket account;

5. You will be prompted to open the repository when the cloning is finished. Click "Open repository" to open the local version of the cloned repository;

6. You are now ready to work on the repository;

Below is the cloned repository at "G:\vscode".


For info. on how to use Bitbucket in VS Code, please refer to the below video.


Using Bitbucket with visual studio code

Git in Visual Studio Code

VSCode Extensions - Git Lens

CheatSheet - Setup Github on Visual Studio Code


Additional Info.

Forking a Repository (to clone a Bitbucket repository and save it in Bitbucket)

Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners

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