
IOT Fish Tank

For the past couple of months I've been working on a project that allows me to monitor fish tank and feed the fishes.

The things that I want to do are the followings:

- Feed fishes automatically based on preset schedule or manually by pressing a button on the controller;

- Measure water temperature and water level;

- Measure the ambient light, temperature and humidity;

- Check on the fishes remotely;

- Be able to switch on / off peripherals such as lamp / pump / heater / etc. remotely.

After months of trials and errors and several revision of hardware and software, I am happy to present the result below.

The Hardware

Control Board


The pic below shows the sensors used for this project.

USB Camera

Logitech C905 is used for this project. Although I haven't tested other cameras, I believe most of the Logitech cameras will do.

Fish Feed Dispensers

I've modified 2 types of fish feed dispensers and they both work for this project.

Putting it all together.

The Software

The software that provides the interface for monitoring sensors and controlling I/Os is a Web App. that could run on Android, iOS, Windows, Linux with a modern browser installed.

Below are the screenshots taken from my Android phone.

The Sensor Page

The Sensor page shows the latest sensor and I/O status.

The Control Page

This page offers the options for the user to control the fish feed dispenser, digital output (for turning on / off peripherals such as lamp, pump, heather, etc.) as well as taking photo of the fish tank.

The Export Data Page

This page offers user the options to view the raw sensor data, chart the data, and/or export the data for later process (using Excel or similar software).

The photo below shows the charting of the ambient temperature and humidity data.

Demo Video

I will make one and put the link here when available